MITSUKI - Conditioning procedure
Before you use the rope, you’ll need to condition it and we believe that conditioning and caring for your ropes is an art in itself. We’re here to guide you every step of the way. Below you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to condition MITSUKI ropes perfectly. Enjoy the process and your beautifully prepared ropes! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us! We are happy to help!
Tool's you'll need
- Scissors (sharp enough to cut rope)
- Masking tape (to secure rope ends if they are not secured with a knot right away)(optional)
- Rope butter
- Tumble dryer
- Clean gas burner with gas cartridge
- Piece of soft cloth to wipe the rope
- Jojoba oil (optional)
Preparing your ropes
Cut the ropes to length and knot the ends securley with a knot of your choice.
Applying the rope butter
Add butter to each individual rope, by evenly spreading a lump of butter the size of a hazelnut (approx. 3g for one 8m rope) over your palms and pull the rope through your hands evenly applying the butter to the rope.
Hot air tumble dryer treatment
Place the ropes into the tumble dryer. Up to ten 8m ropes should be fine per cycle. Let the tumble dryer run for 20mins (NO WATER!!) This time should be long enough to melt the butter into the ropes.)
This process darkens the rope slightly. This is normal.
If needed, remove loose hair from the dryer filter. Take the ropes out of the dryer and untangle them gently.
NOTE: The tumble drying treatment does NOT weaken the integrity of the rope. Tumble dryer conditioned ropes can also be used as uplines!
Flaming & resting
Light a gas flame and singe each rope meter by meter through a blue (gas) flame. Move forth and back 2 – 3 times. – ATTENTION – Loose fibres can ignite!!
Drizzle a linen cloth with a small amount of jojoba oil and wipe each rope clean. Wipe once in each direction.
The flaming of the ropes has also an impact an on the colour of the ropes and darkens them a little bit further. This is normal and to be expected.
Let the ropes rest by coiling them loosely in a box without lid for at least 24 hours or as needed - alternatively hang the ropes over a curtain rod/spar and leave to rest.
When the odour is gone, the ropes are ready to use. Enjoy your ropes and repeat this process as needed.